Who is she? A brave child with a unique story... She would like to share her journey...





Hearing that your child has cancer is heartbreaking. You feel helpless, scared, unsure and very sad. Watching your child’s innocence be robbed by having their lives quickly consumed by traumatic medical interventions is something that no parent or child should ever have to go through.

Mykayla Comstock was born on June 20th 2005. On July 14th 2012 shortly after her seventh birthday Mykayla was diagnosed with intermediate risk T-Cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia that had metastasized to her brain and spinal fluid . Her parents knew right away that they wanted to use organic whole extract cannabis oil and cannabis juicing to help Mykayla both mitigate the horrible symptoms of chemotherapy and to help her body rid itself of leukemia*.

We as parents feel that using cannabis has been the best choice we could have made on behalf of Mykayla along her journey. It has been proven that cannabis has the potential to treat leukemia by means of causing cell apoptosis (programmed cell death)*, but most importantly Mykayla only has to consume a gram of cannabis oil daily to counteract the damaging effects of the many chemotherapy drugs that are required for treatment that is required under under FDA standards.

The average child undergoing treatment for leukemia has access to and utilizes most of the offered pharmaceutical drugs given to mitigate the same effects. Some of these drugs include narcotic pain relievers, anti-nausea medicines, anti-depressants, laxatives, etc. Most of these drugs have their own unwanted side effects and may or may not counteract or jeopardize the efficacy of one another. Our daughter has been offered in excess of 10 prescription medications throughout her treatment, nearly all of which have been denied. The logic is clear, one natural organic treatment or multiple pharmaceutical chemical based drugs for a child already going through so much.





 Mykayla’s treatment is unlike any other child with leukemia! So far it has been a complete success and we continue to pray for that each and every day!


In the United States of America there are only TWO approved treatments for cancer… radiation and chemotherapy. Both are extremely toxic to the human body. When you are an adult you have the choice to use these two options or refuse and treat yourself however you want. When you are a child with cancer your parents do not have the option to refuse the approved way without facing legal repercussions that could include losing custody of the child. Also I feel that conventional medicine has a very important place in this world… I feel that there is a balance between conventional medicine and natural medicine. Speaking in terms of the average American family… this balance has been lost!


Our family strives to create this balance for Mykayla, and providing her with the best possible chance of living a normal and healthy long life. With these thoughts in mind I will explain Mykayla’s treatment in further detail.


We have chosen the very basic chemotherapy protocol for childhood leukemia available to satisfy the “approved” treatment.


This protocol is used to treat low risk leukemia patients (Mykayla is technically intermediate risk). It is a 3-5 chemotherapy drug and steroid combination that is done in 5 rounds lasting 2.5-3 years. The first 4 rounds are very intense and last for 6-8 months. The last round is called “maintenance”, it is done mainly from home and is far less damaging then the first 4 rounds. Mykayla will begin maintenance chemotherapy in February of 2013. Mykayla began chemotherapy on July 16th 2012 (she began steroid treatment on July 14th 2012). Mykayla’s Lymphoblast level was monitored daily for the first 8 days and weekly or twice weekly thereafter. Her lymphoblast level would go down after receiving chemotherapy but a few days after it would be back up and sometimes higher than before chemotherapy. The doctors were concerned. They

spoke to us about the possibility of Mykayla having a bone marrow transplant due to the leukemia not going into remission with the chemotherapy. 95% of children with leukemia go into remission during the first 30 days of chemotherapy… the majority of them go into remission just a few days after receiving chemotherapy for the first time.


The oncologist did recommend cranial radiation in Mykayla’s case as she is intermediate risk, t-cell phenotype, and had a very small amount of leukemia cells in her brain and spinal fluid. Using cranial radiation to treat leukemia is a topic that is already controversial between the different cancer research groups… our family felt 100% confident in denying cranial radiation for Mykayla as she is in remission (it was for

prophylactic/preventative reasons that it was recommended) and she has natural treatment methods that protect her from cancer and relapse.


Once again we as parents feel that the balance between natural medicine and conventional medicine has been lost. We had a plan from the very beginning to combat Mykayla’s cancer and chemotherapy naturally and that was to use cannabis in the form of very concentrated and potent oil, raw cannabis juice, and cannabis cooked into food. Cannabis has been known to kill cancer, protect the body from the damage of chemotherapy, relieve pain and nausea, and it is a neuroprotectant and antioxidant. In order to use this form of treatment Mykayla had to get a recommendation from another physician and a state medical marijuana license. This took us 10 days to complete…

Mykayla began cannabis therapy on July 24th 2012! Instantly she was able to eat again. That was the first benefit that we noticed. She was happier, she smiled and laughed constantly. We loved it! One week after we began the oil treatment Mykayla’s physicians notified us that her leukemia had vanished from her bone marrow and blood! She was in remission. Never again will I fear cancer… We found the answer! Mykayla is currently 6 months into the intense treatment part and has never used any pain relievers (not even Tylenol) and has only had to take anti-nausea medication a few times.

There are other aspects of our lives that play a role in Mykayla’s treatment.

Diet is medicine. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment and is fed by sugar. We try our best to create a diet for Mykayla that is healthy, vegetarian (vegan if she will tolerate), organic, with no artificial additives, preservatives, or dyes. We also give her tons of alkali water. Although from time to time Mykayla just like any other kid slips on her diet… she is NEVER allowed things such as soda pops and high fructose corn syrup. Supplements work wonders. Some important supplements that we have found helpful in the fight against cancer and chemotherapy are. Vitamin C, Green Tea extract, Milk Thistle, Beta Carotene, coconut oil, vitamin D, essiac tea, COQ10, selenium, omega 3, garlic, cannabis, and tons of fruits and vegetables.


Positivity. Having a positive attitude and providing your child with a happy, bright, and loving home provides a better outside environment to fight cancer in. I believe strongly that the love and happiness that our family values dearly has to do with the success that we have seen Mykayla have while battling leukemia.



Cell Counts affected by Cannabis


Lymphoblasts are immature cells which typically differentiate to form mature lymphocytes. Normally lymphoblasts are found in the bone marrow only, but in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), lymphoblasts proliferate uncontrollably and are found in large numbers in the peripheral blood smear.


- July 14th 2012 (diagnosis day and steroid treatment began) Mykayla’s Lymphoblast percentage in her blood smear was 33%

- July 15th 2012 - 51% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear

- July 16th 2012 – 11%  Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear (began chemotherapy)

- July 17th 2012 – 14%  Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear

- July 18th 2012 – 16%  Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear

- July 19th 2012 – 3%  Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear

- July 20th 2012 – 29% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear (got released from hospital)

- July 23rd 2012 – 31% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear

- July 24th 2012 – BEGAN CANNABIS OIL

- July 26th 2012 – 5% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood smear

- July 30th 2012 – 3% Lymphoblasts in Mykayla’s blood (doctor spoke to us about Mykayla’s Lymphoblast count failing to go down to 0 and said that a Bone Marrow Transplant MAY BE in our near future because her blasts are not gone from her blood.)

 - August 2nd 2012 – 0% blasts

 - August 6th 2012 – 0% blasts

 - August 13th 2012 – 0% blasts

 - August 20th 2012 – 0% blasts

 - TODAY – 0% blasts!

July 30th 2012 was THE VERY LAST TIME THEY HAVE FOUND LYMPHOBLASTS IN MYKAYLA’S BLOOD SMEAR!!!! The very next time we saw the oncologist they told us Mykayla was in remission. Some may say that cannabis does not “cure” cancer… I am not saying the steroids and chemo didn’t help… but this right here shows something… proof enough for me! Some say cannabis is inappropriate for

Children… We say cancer is inappropriate for children.

Brave Mykayla's dad readies her morning Cannabis Oil dose, 0.5g



Raw Organic Cannabis Juice



 Brave and her homemade CannaBudder... for CannaBanana Bread



Brave Mykayla's medicine box... thank you to all the kind hearted individuals and clubs who have donated medicine to our little girl, because of you all we have been able to keep her medicine stocked up without the full financial burden of paying for her meds every time ... this also gives us peace of mind to not worry about her running out... We have been honored to know you, and you will always be appreciated.


Brave Family



 We  Teach her all about Cannabis, nothing is hidden.


Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia. Nonpsychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidoil, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses.


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