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Txomango - GENEHTIK

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50,00 €
50,00 €

From a selection of Somango (Super Hybrid Skunk – Jack Herer – Big Skunk Korean) we obtained this plant and have worked with it for several years.

Highly demanded by those who have tried it at some point, and all who have want to re-taste the flavours of tropical fruit which inundate the palate, and smell the intense and sticky aroma.

It has a very pleasant effect and is in no way devastating for which reason we recommend you enjoy this in good company. Its growth is slow and is a small and branchy plant with not much distance between each other. It is very leafy with its leaves being broad, large and dark green in colour.

It has very aromatic buds which are fat, thick and full of resin. In the outdoors it is a shrub like branchy plant that produces beautiful resinous buds.

Type: Indica (indica / sativa)

Indoor Production: 500-600 gr/m2

Outdoor Production: 1000-1750 gr/plant

Indoor Flowering: 60-70 days

Outdoor Harvest: October (Northern Hemisphere) – April (Southern Hemisphere)

GattungMainly Indica
Blütezeit indoor60 bis 70 Tagen
Erntezeit outdoorMitte Oktober
Geschmacksüße Früchte
AnbauInnen / Außen
Ertrag500-600 gr/m2 Indoor | 1000-1750 gr/pl
LinieSuper Skunk x Jack Herer x Big Skunk

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