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South African Kwazulu

  • Purchase South African Kwazulu
  • Purchase South African Kwazulu

Availability: In stock

Nome del prodotto Prezzo Qtà
South African Kwazulu - 1 seed € 8.00 x seme
8,00 €
South African Kwazulu - 3 seeds (+1 FREE) € 7.00 x seme
21,00 €
South African Kwazulu - 7 seeds (+3 FREE) € 6.00 x seme
42,00 €
South African Kwazulu - 12 seeds (+5 FREE) € 5.00 x seme
60,00 €
South African Kwazulu - 25 seeds € 4.00 x seme
100,00 €
8,00 €

Varietà 100% sativa che cresce spontaneamente nel nord della catena montuosa di Drakensberg. Questa pianta a maturazione precoce, con sapore dolce ed effetto energizzante, è stata coltivata per generazioni dagli Zulù, uno dei popoli guerrieri dediti all’agricoltura più importanti dell’Africa, governati dal re Shaka. Narra la leggenda che questa pianta veniva utilizzata nei rituali di guerra zulù precedenti all’attacco inglese del 1879. Forse i suoi effetti prolungati ed energizzanti misero le ali all’esercito zulù, che seppure inferiore per numero di uomini e mezzi, riuscì a respingere il nemico. È una delle varietà più resistenti alle infestazioni e ai funghi e, alle latitudini europee, la sua genetica le consente di adattarsi sia alla coltivazione indoor che outdoor.

Genotipo100% Sativa
Tempo Maturazione Interior da 65 a 75 giorni
Tempo Maturazione Exteriormetà ottobre
SaporeFrutta dolce
RitaglioInterno / Esterno
Produzione400 g/m2 Indoor | more than 800 g/pl Outdoor
EffettoEnergico, molto resistente
Resistenza alla muffaMedia
Resistenza alla pesteMedia
LignaggioSouth Africa
BHO Performance17%
Tolleranza irrigazioneMedia
Valore medicinaliMedia

2º premio South African Kwazulu – VIII Copa de los Cultivadores Montañeses 2010

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Happy420 (30/11/2023)
I grew 4 Kwazulu outside a few years back... came back one time and they were just huge.. rock solid longer shaped nugs that just kept adding up on the scale, very uplifting get your heart rate going kind of buzz for 15 or 20 minutes then mellows into a great buzz that seems to last 4 or 5 hours. I tell everyone about this strain, hope to get it again. it had like a sweet peppery smell for me i will never forget.
Ozark Outlaw (11/12/2022)
100% Organically grown outdoors for many years in Midwest USA as an excellent early morning energy boost & mood elevator. Very smooth, unique flavored smoke when properly dried/cured.
Harvested two exceptional specimens. 1,375g. (dried, manicured flower only) from one plant, 1,020g. flower from another. (*see User Images*)

If you're searching for a motivating, "Feel Good" strain that doesn't leave you sleepy, hungry, or a couch-locked zombie, then KwaZulu is the answer!
shivaspear (06/01/2022)
Excellent germination rate, healthy all og soil raised plants. Three phenotypes identified over 2 grows one quite sativa in flower structure, thinner stem, less dense of a flower, less hairs but the hairs that show up are longer than other kwazulu. two: shorter thicker buds but more globular, triangular shape w shorter more numerous hairs. Third: a combo of the two that is tall, just packing long think hairs honest looks like a dang sheepdog w long wide thick AF buds. center cola is a spear like a meaty forearm that go gold russeted green w lots of purple in 50°f weather. enjoy, oh and easy trim and takes a good thinning no problem.
MasterLandrace (06/11/2021)
Hola Hola alchimia! Petit grow report & smoke test de la belle Kwazulu d'Afrique.

-3 grainé germé sur 3 (rapidement)
La troisième est en fin de session
Les deux date de cette année (été)

-Interieur 400w hps + mh croissance

-Croissance 4 semaine

-Floraison 8 semaines

-Engrais bio organic 100% biovega - bioflores - biorhizo - bio boost quantité modérée

-Insecticide huile de neem 6 première semaine Flo dans l'arrosage.

-2/3 herma
-Ne supporte pas ne pas avoir de lumière sur les partie basse de la plante. Couper les feuilles et éclaircir le plant.

-Le goût est terrible. Gratte la George sent très fort fruit doux- fruit acide-fleur.
-Très énergétique des les première barre.
-Longue durée 4- 6 heures.

-Redescende un peu difficile peu provoquer de petites attaque de panique. De remise en question. Dissociation Corps-esprit/espace.
-Montée très électrique, énergisante, concentration, meilleure habilitée des mains

Dans l'ensemble très belle plante, on sent à travers son odeur, son développement que c'est une sauvage. L'odeur est entetent et la croissance très vigoureuse. À recommandé
Outlaw (04/07/2021)
South African kwazulu seems to prefer the hot humid 90 degrees plus in Oklahoma. Growing her in a 25 gallon rubbermaid can.2 months old from seeds at 50 inches now and 2 successful clones from her bottom branches. She loves a good watering but minimal nutrients. Staying in the 175-300ppm range every couple weeks.
steve (01/04/2020)
one of my favourites, easy to grow, no diseases, gets you up and running.
Gabriel (03/09/2016)
Exquisito sabor intenso y buena potencia mental brotheeer.