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Brazil Amazonia

  • Purchase Brazil Amazonia
  • Purchase Brazil Amazonia

Availability: In stock

Product Name Price Qty
Brazil Amazonia - 1 seed € 8.00 x seed
Brazil amazonia 3 seeds (+1 FREE) € 7.00 x seed
Brazil amazonia 7 seeds (+3 FREE) € 6.00 x seed
Brazil amazonia: 12 seeds (+5 FREE) € 5.00 x seed
Brazil Amazonia - 25 seeds € 4.00 x seed

A Brazilian strain from the heart of the Amazonian rainforest. Very vigorous and leafy, Brazil Amazonia grows wild in the jungle where indigenous tribes use it in many ways, including to alleviate all kinds of pain, including childbirth. A potent Sativa effect initially that becomes more sedative as time passes. A bittersweet, fruity aroma and taste, she produces enormous, stem-bending buds.

We selected an early flowering strain for this cross, resulting in an end product with some highly desirable properties such as a more compact size and more abundant flowering.

Genotype100% Sativa
Maturation(Interior)from 65 to 75 days
Maturation(Exterior)early November
FlavorSweet fruit
Way of croppingInd/Out
Production450 g/m2 Indoor | more than 800 g/pl Outdoor
Resistance to moldMedium
Pest resistanceMedium
LineageSouth of Brasil
BHO Performance17%
Irrigation toleranceMedium
Medicinal ValueHigh

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Harley Grower (13/12/2020)
This plant yielded 14 ounces of top cola bud in 10 weeks. The high was absolutely amazing and my clients fell in love. This plant is also insanely bug and mold resistant. I created a completely mold resistant plant from her