
«Chronic Ice won't get people high-but it might get them healthy»

Introducing the first drink distributed in the United States which comprises hemp. Chronic Ice is an iced tea made with organic sugar, a mixture of black, and green tea, lemon scent, ascorbic acid and, of course, hemp extract, an ingredient in growing demand for healthy food enthusiasts.

According to studies conducted by Consolidated Growers and Processors Inc, hemp seed oil is a healthy food, containing 57% linoleic acid (LA) and 19% of linolenic acid (LNA), in a ratio of three to one that fits the optimal nutritional needs of humans. These are essential fatty acids (EFA) that the body cannot produce and need to obtain from dietary sources.


"You cannot get high from our tea, but can improve your health", said Tony Van Pelt, founder of Chronic Ice. "Although the name is a play on marijuana, Chronic Ice contains no cannabis or THC".

Each bottle of antioxidant tea contains only 80 calories and is preservative free. Currently, Chronic Ice can be purchased only in select stores in Southern California and Washington State. The firm is negotiating distribution agreements to increase their availability and make improvements such as adding new flavours and a redesign of the packaging.