
On the 22nd June, a group of US Congressmen announced a proposal to legalise the consumption of marijuana and allow states the freedom to pass legislation regarding its usage.

It is an initiative entirely in keeping with the progressive legal normalisation that marihuana has been achieving in the United States over the last few years. Sixteen of the 50 North American states, including the District of Colombia (Washington), have approved marihuana use for medicinal purposes.

This new legislation will end the conflict between the states and the federal government over how best to deal with marijuana”, explained Democratic representative, Barney Frank, and Republic representative, Ron Paul, who are the main sponsors of the initiative, in a joint statement.


It will limit the role of the federal government in controlling marijuana and allow people to plant, use or sell marijuana legally in states where it has been legalized”, it continues.

Cannabis cultivation is still strictly regulated in the USA. Under federal law, growing, selling or distributing cannabis commercially is illegal.

The bill adds weight to growing popular support for the legalisation movement throughout the country, especially in California, where a referendum over total legalisation held just last year was finally defeated. Meanwhile, the debate continues in half a dozen other states.