
You may not be aware that the English expression “Wake-N-Bake” can mean to skin up and smoke a spliff as soon as you open your eyes in the morning, arguably not the healthiest way to start the day. We propose instead the following recipe for a no-nonsense breakfast buttie to set you up properly for the morning’s challenges that lie ahead.


1-2g cannabis / 2 slices bread / 2 large eggs / 2 slices bacon / 2 slices Velveeta cheese


In a large pan, cook the bacon and scrambled eggs. Assemble the sandwich as follows: 1 slice of bread, buttered side up; 1 gram finely chopped cannabis; 1 slice cheese; 1 slice bacon; scrambled eggs; 1 slice bacon; 1 slice cheese; remaining cannabis; and 1 slice of bread. Press the sandwich together and microwave for 30 seconds, or until cheese has melted.


For a lighter version, you could always butter the bread with Cannabutter.